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Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey

Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey - front
Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey - back
Set: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Type: Autograph
Number made: Unknown
Description: Inserted in hobby packs at a rate of one in 208 packs

Ian McKellen is said to have let slip on his website ( that he signed 2,500 of these cards and since he has the same insertion odds as Aragorn, Arwen, Frodo, Sam, Galadriel, Pippin and Bilbo we can draw our own conclusion from that.

Max Price: US$ 270.18
Min Price: US$ 103.11
Total Average Price:
(using data from 30 cards logged as sold)
US$ 174.83
Recent Average Price:
(based on the 5 most recently ended auctions logged as sold)
US$ 150.39

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