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Honeydukes Candy

Honeydukes Candy - front
Honeydukes Candy - back
Set: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Type: Prop Card
Number made: 75
Description: This card was not available in packs, but exclusively as an incentive card to dealers purchasing 10 cases. IThe swatch is taken from the same prop material as the Honeydukes Bag prop card but has the card design from the Black Pepper Imps card.

Usually this card has a green swatch like the Honeydukes Bag card, but lots of variants have turned up (like the one pictured here) and a full pink swatch was recently sold by the Collector Zone.

Max Price: US$ 598.00
Min Price: US$ 66.65
Total Average Price:
(using data from 20 cards logged as sold)
US$ 292.44
Recent Average Price:
(based on the 5 most recently ended auctions logged as sold)
US$ 317.69

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