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Blue Promo Set

Blue Promo Set - front
Blue Promo Set - back
Set: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Type: Promotional (Promo) Card
Number made: Unknown
Description: Thought to have been originally distributed at a Toy Fair in America long before the release of the set rumours flew around upon the release of the set that the blue and green promo sets were produced in numbers as low as 10. However around the time of the San Diego Comic Con 2004 they seem to have become much more common and it is now thought that many more sets are in existance. However the blue and green sets remain very high because of their rarity.
Max Price: US$ 103.59
Min Price: US$ 12.50
Total Average Price:
(using data from 9 cards logged as sold)
US$ 52.57
Recent Average Price:
(based on the 5 most recently ended auctions logged as sold)
US$ 32.60

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