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Batman Begins sell/sales sheet

Batman Begins sell/sales sheet - front
Set: Batman Begins
Type: Sell Sheets
Number made: Unknown

Extremely rare and hard to find - the Topps sales sheets were only given to distributors who rarely pass them on to customers.

This particular sell sheet is interesting because it shows two things that were changed during the creation process of the set - firstly it shows a different shape of hole in the card for the costume/prop swatch to peer through

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It also shows an image of an autograph card that never made it into the set. It was the one autograph that would have made the set perfect - Batman:

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Max Price: US$ 20.50
Min Price: US$ 20.50
Total Average Price:
(using data from 1 card logged as sold)
US$ 20.50
Recent Average Price:
(based on the 5 most recently ended auctions logged as sold)
US$ 20.50

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